The rectorate of Mersin University have taken statements of 21 scholars who have signed academicians’ petition entitles “We will not be a part of this crime”.
These scholars were among thousands of academics and intellectuals who have signed a peace petition publicly calling on the Turkish government to halt security operations in southeastern Anatolia.
Some scholars gathered inside the campus to protest the rectorate’s decision, stating that two academicians’ contracts were not renewed by the university, after they signed the petition.
“The rectorate has clearly admitted they would not extend the period of office of signees” said Prof Selim Çakmaklı.
“Investigations were launched for four signees due to their social media posts. We will take a stand against these anti-democratic and unlawful implementations that the university administration resists to maintain, by using all the rights the law offers us” Çakmaklı added.
Scholars in questions submitted their pleas, while demonstrators protested by clapping hands. Their banners read “Demand of peace cannot be judged” and “investigations, dismissals should be withdrawn”.